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At the Office




Grounding and guidance from someone who's been there.

Your personal journey through gender transition is multifaceted, and your professional life is only one aspect of this exciting yet challenging process.  I have learned a great deal from my own journey and the most important lesson has been that there is no single approach to gender transition.  Our paths through transition are individual and uniquely ours. With this in mind, I am passionate to offer you personalized, compassionate, knowledgeable and consistent support with each step you take.


This support can include collaborating closely with you on the formulation of personalized communication plans, establishing organization-specific education strategies, and developing processes and supports which are authentic to you and your organization.  After your transition, interactions within your workplace can be overwhelming. I will help absorb the demands of workplace education, human resource mediation, and help with any questions or challenges that may arise throughout the process, even after your transition has taken place.


I know that your transition is a gradual process that does not happen in a single day.  You will require time to find your feet and adapt to your authentic life.  For this reason, I will remain engaged and available for support following your transition day.  It is my hope that in doing this you will have the security, safety and support you need to place your feet on solid ground as your new and amazingly authentic self.


An authentic life requires courage every single day and the gift we get in exchange is genuine comfort and happiness.  It can be easier to take courage with a friendly face by your side!  Every step of the way, I bring the experience needed to understand that your challenges are unique and require unique solutions from a compassionate and understanding ally.


~ Kiersten


Transition Support




Grounding your Journey

Duration:  90 - 120 Minutes

Everybody’s transition experience is unique and deserves individualized support and dedication.  In this first session, I work passionately to understand your current circumstances, existing supports, any present or anticipated challenges and, most importantly, your vision for your transition experience.  We will also start the conversation to discuss an initial framework for building a communication plan that is authentic for you.

Coworkers plan work


Plotting Your Path

Duration:  90-120 Minutes

A detailed communication plan ensures the gender transition process evolves smoothly while also helping provide a sense of control and comfort that your goals will remain confidential until you are ready.  In this session, I will work with you to develop an authentic communication plan that is also sensitive to any relevant organizational factors.  We will methodically work through your preferred order of disclosures (i.e. HR, Leaders, Colleagues, etc.) and build an influence diagram to ensure that all aspects of your professional network are covered to mitigate any possible surprises.



Cultivating Understanding

Duration:  90-120 Minutes

You are the expert on the culture of the organization you work for!  Therefore, as we embark on planning educational materials and information sessions for your leaders, colleagues and stakeholders, you are always in the driver’s seat.  Drawing from a wealth of experience, education and training material, I will work with you to establish the best approach and training material for your organization.  This ensures that you are wholly engaged and comfortable with the information that will be shared with your colleagues.


The Eve of Your Announcement

Duration:  90 Minutes

From experience, I know that no matter how much planning you do, the day before your disclosure day can be a consuming mixture of excitement and nervousness!  With an approach of understanding and compassion, this session is about you.  I use this time to check-in and ensure you are fully supported in the hours leading up to your disclosure.  I will be available to review or rehearse communication plans, answer questions and support any worries you may have.


Announcement Day:

Your Big step

Duration:  TBD

After all the planning, your announcement day of transition is exciting, freeing and full of emotion. Regardless of how you have decided to share your exciting news, I will be dedicated to supporting you throughout the day and ensuring that you have assistance available for any help you may need.  This support can include being available in person with you or through any other means which are most comfortable for you.


One Week Check In

Duration:  90 Minutes

The first-week post-announcement is full of changes, conversations, and teachable moments for individuals in both your professional and personal network.  It can be empowering and exhausting all at once!  Our first-week check-in session is dedicated to giving you space to take a breath and talk about the successes, uncertainties, and challenges that may have surfaced.  I will work to ensure that you remain supported while you get grounded as your authentic self.


One Month Check In

Duration:  90 Minutes

Transition is not a day; it is a journey and it can take some time to settle into your beautifully authentic life.  This session is dedicated to talking about your first month and the successes, challenges, and any concerns regarding the support within your organization.  Additionally, I will use this time to share any feedback I have for trans-inclusion within your organization and we will jointly agree on what will be provided.

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